We just got back from Whapmagoostui, where we had the honor to brainstorm with the Cree Trappers' Association, Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay, Canadian Space Agency | Agence spatiale canadienne and Canadian Red Cross on how to provide care in austere environments. The resilience, ingenuity, and resourcefulness of the people we had the honor to meet there are beyond words. You want to get ideas on how to save lives in space? Ask someone living in a place where schools close only when it's below -55 Celsius!
We tested our A.D.A.M.S Bush Kit adaptation in a multitude of simulated scenarios:
- Helping a nurse in a clinic providing guidance with a translator for a remote emergency
- Helping a hunter put a tourniquet in total autonomy on a bleeding patient
- Trying to open A.D.A.M.S. outside at -32 Celsius with gloves on
- Helping a nurse navigate complex emergency algorithms that she has never seen before
The feedback we received was precious. This experience helped us see how people use technology under stress and what needs to be there to guide them safely. It also made the whole team dream wild. What if we adapt our solution for humanitarian crisis response?
Much more to come!